- This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 7 months ago by
Narahari LakshminarayanaMemberThere are various places in the ME 9.0 Ubuntu 64 bit version that needs Command Prompt here.
Example, When on a Navigator on the left side, select a file or folder and right click it should have a Command Prmpt here.
When inside the file editor itself a right click should give commond prompt here options.
When on the server a command prompt here option
When on an app selected a command prompt here option.
These are all very usefule.
Any thoughts how to get that ?
I’m not clear about what you want and why you want it.
It seems like you want to open a terminal with the current directory set appropriately for the selection or file being edited. It seems like you are asking for functions that might be supplied by the Gnome desktop, though I don’t think this is available in the Ubuntu desktop anyway.
So could you please explain what you want any why you think it would be useful?
Narahari LakshminarayanaMemberI am asking for Command prompt here from inside of MyEclipse IDE.
For example say I am editing a.jsp and that lives in
……/WebContentjspWhen I right click on a.jsp in the myeclipse editor, I should have a choice to go to Command line aka shell.
Similarly for the deployment location, there is a Browse Deployment Location. I want to be a ble to right click and in addition to Browse Deployment Location I should be able to choose Command Line Shell to Deployment Location.
We currently have the ability to open a file explorer on some selections. For example, select a project in the package explorer view or the project explorer view, right click and select MyEclipse->Open in Explorer, which will open a Nautilus window on the folder. You can also just click on the appropriate toolbar icon, instead of bringing up the context menu. Note that, for Ubuntu 11.04, you will need to install the gvfs-bin package first.
However, you would like to go further than this though I’m not aware of any desktop facility that has the functionality you would like (though there are ways to get that functionality in Windows). Our desktop integration tools are more to help MyEclipse be a more integrated tool in the desktop. Currently, we have tools to open a folder in explorer (or Nautilus, in the case of Ubuntu 11.04) and to send files via email. If you would like further enhancements, could you please post on the Feature Requests forum where other MyEclipse users can offer an opinion.
Narahari LakshminarayanaMemberHi
I am not saying the MyEclipse->Open in Explorer is a not there. It is very much there and it is very much useful and it is working for me.
I also have a the Run-In-Termianl Macro inside nautilus that works too.
However what I want is MyEclipse->Open in Terminal. Can we get that or how do we get that ?
OK, I understand. There is no plan, currently, to incorporate that feature (which is not a standard desktop feature, anyway). If you’d like to see it, you can post on the feature request forum, as mentioned earlier.
I did try playing around with the executable that is set in the preferences at MyEclipse->General (with no success so far) but I guess that would be no use to you if you already use the explorer capability.