
Config trouble when deploying

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  • #270142 Reply


    I’m having trouble figuring out how to include certain files when deploying an ejb. first I would like to include some jar’s in a web-lib folder in the ejb’s jar when deploying. Second, there are several class files for which I do not have source code, and I would like to include those as well. Is there any way I can include these files without using an ant or copy-pasting?

    #270143 Reply


    Just a quick addon, I was wondering if it’s possible to extract classes from a jar when deploying? i.e. having the classes reside in the actual ejb’s jar instead of a jar within the ejb jar

    #270161 Reply

    Loyal Water

    I would like to include some jar’s in a web-lib folder in the ejb’s jar when deploying

    You will have to create an EAR, and drop the common JARs into the root and make the Java Project a dependency that the EAR packages, and make sure to make the EJB a module of the EAR and deploy that.

    there are several class files for which I do not have source code, and I would like to include those as well.

    You can add the class files to a jar and add the jar to the project build path.

    I was wondering if it’s possible to extract classes from a jar when deploying? i.e. having the classes reside in the actual ejb’s jar instead of a jar within the ejb jar

    This is something that cannot be done at the moment.

    #270172 Reply


    so, just to make sure I understand this right…

    If I were to deploy an ear with a couple of ejb’s and a web component, they can all pretty much access each others jar’s, or… how does that work?

    #270176 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Yes. Your are right. I suggest you go through this tutorial to get a better understanding of how things work in a J2EE app. Section 9 explains how to create dependencies.

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