For the benefit of others that have similar issues, I resolved this one myself.
For reasons best known to MyEclipse the software is installed in \users …… on Windows Vista/7. Not a logical place to install an entire application, this is supposed to be where you save setting etc but not the entire application. I prefer to follow the proper windoze convention of installing in \Program Files\Genutec which requires you to install with admin privileges.
When I use Pulse/Config Center as a user it seems to detect that I don’t have write access to the \program Files directory and doesn’t offer me any install button and later when I wanted to add other tools it was the same. So if you run with admin privileges when you want to add plugins etc, you will see the install button.
1) MyEclipse/Pulse should show some kind of message that it has detected read only permissions
2) MyEclipse/Pulse should default to installing in Program Files on windoze
3) Support should stop using “Reinstall” as the default response to every issue.