
Configuring server for JettyPlus?

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  • #228669 Reply

    Sorry for what maybe an simple question, but we recently started using Jetty Plus (JP) and I can no longer start or stop the server via Eclipse. To start up JP we use a shell file. The file calls the following:
    java -DSTART=extra/etc/start-plus.config -jar start.jar etc/jetty.xml

    I tried to put the following into the Optional Parameters box -DSTART=extra/etc/start-plus.config -jar but all I got were errors.

    any help would be greatly appreciated

    #228689 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I tried to put the following into the Optional Parameters box -DSTART=extra/etc/start-plus.config -jar but all I got were errors.

    You did the right thing, but you didn’t adjust your paths, they are still relative and considering MyEclipse launches JP from a different directory, they don’t make sense. Try this:

    java -DSTART=<absolute dir here>/extra/etc/start-plus.config -jar <absolute dir here>/start.jar <absolute dir here>/etc/jetty.xml

    Replacing the “<absolute dir here>” with the full path to that file.

    #228712 Reply

    Thanks. I couldn’t get your version to work. However someone else told me I had to put the -DSTART in the JDK parameter field under Jetty 5. So I did the following:
    and start right up.
    Thanks again for the help!.

    #228713 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Thank you for following up with the solution, it will help others.

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