
confused regarding db2 driver setup…

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  • #222397 Reply


    I have DB2 working fine on my machine. I can talk to it from WSAD as well as Jdev.

    I purchased and loaded the new release of myeclipse today and can connect to ODBC data sources.

    I am having trouble connecting to DB2. I have gone to the MyEclipse preferences page for drivers and read the doc. It says that a blue check means the drive is loaded and, sure enough, the JDBC:ODBC bridge (which works) has a blue check.

    The DB2 app driver shows up but with a gray circle in front of it. No blue check. When I try to edit it, it says it’s in startup.jar. The doc then says if I click on the “List” option it should populate the dropdown with the drivers in the jar. Nothing shows up (the path to startup.jar is right.) So, is the Db2 app driver loaded? And anyway, why doesn’ any list of drivers in starup.jar show up? Is there another jar I should/could be using?

    When I try to set up the connection, I (think I) have followed the instructions for setting up the driver and have the Login and PW correct for the DB2 DB. When I try to open the connection it comes back and says
    “Error while trying to log in to database:

    Is the driver there and the setup is wrong? Or is the driver not getting started?

    Sorry it’s such a long question and thanks very much in advance for any help.


    #222408 Reply


    Have you went through the Database Explorer Quickstart. It shows you how to add your driver jar file to the connection template. In that doc, it shows configuring the MySQL connector but db2 is identical.

    #222412 Reply



    Thanks VERY much for the reply. I had been through the documentation you pointed to and my problem was that I was so dumb that I thought that all the drivers would be in the startup.jar you distribute and therefore pre-loaded. (Hey, it was late at night.)

    I re-read the doc this morning as you suggested, realized they all had to be set up (except the JDBCODBC bridge) and found the DB2 driver zip file in the IBM SQL directory. I made an extra classpath var and the drivers popped up. So thanks very much for the “reminder”.

    It might be good to heavily emphasize (for dopes like me) in the docs that only certain drivers (i.e., just the bridge) are in the pre-load as it was a bit confusing to me.

    As another curious, IBM-specifc point: I would have thought that the DB2 app driver would be the right one. But when I tried it it didn’t connect. However, when I replaced it with the net driver (supposedly for http/applet…-based connections) it worked fine. Obviously this is something I don’t understand about DB2.

    Bottom line: thanks a million for the quick reply! Great customer service and a really nice product.

    Now, a GUI dev env for JSF w/DB connection drag and drop regions for data tables (like WSAD and JDEV) + a schema/table creator for DBases and I’ll be all set…

    Best regards,

    David Littman

    #222415 Reply


    Glad you up and running.

    It might be good to heavily emphasize (for dopes like me) in the docs that only certain drivers (i.e., just the bridge) are in the pre-load as it was a bit confusing to me.

    I’ll send a note to the documentation team with your comments. Sounds like a good suggestion.

    #243820 Reply


    Hi there

    I have used wsad as well as other ides. I just installed myeclipse 4.1M2 and trying to create DB2 connection with net driver. Set up went fine but when i tried to open connection, it was just stuck on “Logging into database”. I have waited 10 minutes and cancelled it. I tried couple of times, but i was getting same message. Help me here………


    #245650 Reply


    @saupinky wrote:

    Hi there

    I have used wsad as well as other ides. I just installed myeclipse 4.1M2 and trying to create DB2 connection with net driver. Set up went fine but when i tried to open connection, it was just stuck on “Logging into database”. I have waited 10 minutes and cancelled it. I tried couple of times, but i was getting same message. Help me here………


    I am in a similar situation. Any update/solution in sight?

    #245669 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Are you sure your DB2 server is configured for remote access? I remember seeing something like this when the server was not correctly configured. Are you able to connect remotely using other tools?

    Also, please ensure that your db2 driver dll files (since it is a Type 2 driver) are on the classpath (putting them in the windows system32 folder – if you’re on windows is one of the simplest ways of fixing the dll issue).

    Please check your error log to see if any relevant errors have been logged.


    #245682 Reply


    Thanks brian for looking into this. I can connect with db2 cmd client. Which dll do I need on classpath? And please can you guide me where to look for the error logs? TIA

    #245709 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Please see Posting Guidelines for a description of how to get at the error log.

    I would direct you to follow the instructions specified in my last post on this thread and see if any of those suggestions work out for you:


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