
Connection reset by peer: socket write error..

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  • #269793 Reply


    I know perhapsly that have nothing to do with myeclipe but perhaps sombody can help me. I use hibernate with rcp (standalone tool).

    When I search something in my application and put the result in the table. After some time with no actions (10-20 minutes) When I try to load the object after this time from the cache with lazy load.. i get a jdbc error that the connection is gone..
    Connection reset by peer: socket write error..

    some points:

    – after the search i dont close the session ( i need it for lazy loading)
    – i try jdbc:mysql://88******:3306/dbnamet?autoReconnect=true but it dont help
    – i read that when i dont close the session after a search the java garbage collector garbage teh objects and also the session.. is this right?

    thank you for your helps

    #269805 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev

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