
Console output / Ddeployment problem with Remote Portal Serv

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    I am trying to use MyEclipse to deploy / debug Portlets on a Websphere Portal Server that is isntalled on a remote machine.
    Debuging works just fine, but there are a couple of things I cant figure out:

    1. Console – I do not get any console output for the System.out.println statements in my files. I did go to the admin console of the portal server at WebSphere_Portal > Logging and Tracing > JVM Logs and put “console” in the File Name box. I restarted it but I get no console output. In fact, the only options I get from the drop down in the “Open Console” button are:
    1. Java Stack Trace Console
    2. Host OSGi Console
    3. CVS
    4. New Console View
    5. Maven Console

    2. Deployment – If there is a module that has been deployed earlier (through RAD / install web modeul page in WebSphere Portal), then if I make changes to the files and redploy them, the changes are reflected. But, if I try ti deploy a new Portlet, it doesnt show up when I try to browse the list of web modules. If I take a look at the server directory, I can see the EAR files “/usr/WebSphere/wp_profile/installedApps/localhost/HelloTwoEAR.ear”

    Any help on these two issues would be appreciated.


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