Using ME 5.5 and I have a simple form with several JCheckBox objects. I want to perform some action (enable/disable other controls) based on some of these JCheckBox objects being checked or unchecked.
Using the Swing/Matisse perspective, I can add actionPerformed() methods for each checkbox, resulting in multiple …actionPerformed() methods.
I want a single actionPerformed() for all of these buttons, so, using the Properties/Events window, I try to change the actionPerformed event to my custom method. But, it appears that only one checkbox can be associated with my custom handler. I try to change the handler for the other checkboxes, but they always revert back to the ME generated method name.
Is it not possible to change the actionPerformed() handler for multiple checkboxes to a single handler? I can manually edit the init() method, but if I modify the form in any way, ME regenerates the init() method, overriding my changes.