
Context-Menu (Right-Mouse-Click) disappears issue follow up

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  • #270486 Reply


    Has the “Context-Menu (Right-Mouse-Click) disappears” issue ( quoted below) been resolved for 5.1.1GE on Windows with Java 1.6 ?

    I upgraded my MyEclipse 5.1.1 to the latest version today and the issue still seems to exist.
    I am using Java 1.6

    Since various users reported issues with Matisse in MyEclipse 5.5 I am reluctant to upgrade to 5.5

    Is there any workaround other than clicking on properties panel many times?


    Post subject: Context-Menu (Right-Mouse-Click) disappears immediately PostPosted: May 19, 2006 – 07:24 PM
    Registered Member
    Registered Member

    Joined: May 19, 2006
    Posts: 1

    Hi all,

    i like matisse for myeclipseide, but i have issues: i want to rename a tab of a JTabbedPane. I have to use the Context Menu (right mouse button) on the matisse form to do that, but: the context menu shows up for only 50ms and disappears immediately after that. T

    #270576 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I upgraded my MyEclipse 5.1.1 to the latest version today and the issue still seems to exist.
    I am using Java 1.6

    No the issue still exists. MyEclipse isn’t certified on Java 6 yet. (If you use the all in one installer, it will pre-configure itself to run with 1.5.0_11 IIRC, and that works fine and doesn’t interfere with any existing JRE/JDK installs on your local machine)

    Since various users reported issues with Matisse in MyEclipse 5.5 I am reluctant to upgrade to 5.5

    Which reports? I’m not aware of any problems. Please point them out and I’ll see if we can get them fixed ASAP.

    Is there any workaround other than clicking on properties panel many times?

    Yes, the workaround and fix is to use 1.5.0. As I mentioned just using the all in one installer is the easiest/fastest way to get up and running with this. The alternative, is to get *really* fast at clicking 😀

    #270658 Reply


    Since various users reported issues with Matisse in MyEclipse 5.5 I am reluctant to upgrade to 5.5

    Which reports? I’m not aware of any problems. Please point them out and I’ll see if we can get them fixed ASAP.

    I was referring to another topic from this forum:

    [Closed] Problems with Matiesse after upgrading to 5.5

    Would the fact that it is closed mean it has been resolved?
    Then I am sorry…

    The reason I need Java 6 is subbpixel rendering.
    ( -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=lcd )

    I don’t know if a program compiled with 1.5 would run with that option.


    #270676 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I was referring to another topic from this forum:

    [Closed] Problems with Matiesse after upgrading to 5.5

    Would the fact that it is closed mean it has been resolved?
    Then I am sorry…

    Yes, no worries though, those were just bad installs of Matisse during our Milestone releases (betas) of MyEclipse 5.5.

    The reason I need Java 6 is subbpixel rendering.
    ( -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=lcd )

    Ahh, yes a very nice feature.

    I don’t know if a program compiled with 1.5 would run with that option.

    Yes it should still run. It won’t effect the byte code generated, just how the runtime renders fonts.

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