
context root not being correctly set on deployment

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  • #338139 Reply

    Michael Stacey

    Using ME 2013, when a web application is deployed to Glassfish, the context root is set to “/app.war” rather than “/app” as set in MyEclipse->Project Facets->web->Context root. Why?

    #338180 Reply



    Glassfish seems to have changed the autodeploy naming conventions. Before 3.1.2 MyEclipse would create domain/domain1/appname.war and you could access it at http://localhost:8080/appname. Now, you will need to access it at http://localhost:8080/appname.war.

    Our dev team is looking at this issue. As a workaround, you can specify the context root in a glassfish-web.xml file. This file should be in the WEB-INF directory, alongside the web.xml file. Here is a sample, for just setting the context root:
    <!DOCTYPE glassfish-web-app PUBLIC “-//GlassFish.org//DTD
    GlassFish Application Server 3.1 Servlet 3.0//EN”

    Hope this helps.

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