
control+space doesn’t work

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  • #198611 Reply


    the workbench doesn’t show my some items (for example @jboss.column-name) when I press CTRL+SPACE to get help on writing a jboss xdoclet tag for a class method.
    (It shows me just @jboss.method-attributes and @jboss.clustered)

    Maybe I didn’t set some xdoclet customization option…


    #198616 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I looked into this and the issue is caused because we don’t offer context help for any tags that have been deprecated. In the xtags file the following fields are flagged as deprecated:
    jboss.column-name, jboss.read-only, jboss.jdbc-type and jboss.sql-type. Instead, you should be using ‘ejb.persistence column-name’, ‘jboss.persistence read-only’, ‘ejb.persistence jdbc-type’ and ‘ejb.persistence sql-type’, respectively.

    MyEclipse Support

    #198621 Reply

    Hi scott,

    the workbench doesn’t offer help context for ejb.persistence tag, too. The most important problem ( I think that it’s strictly related to this one) is that xdoclet doesn’t generate field item in jbosscmp-jdbc.xlm descriptor.


    Congratulation for your reply time.

    #198634 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    the workbench doesn’t offer help context for ejb.persistence tag, too

    It does for me. However, this is only available on Entity beans. Please make sure that your EJB class implements javax.ejb.EntityBean and it should show up. It won’t for session beans.

    MyEclipse Support

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