
control space doesn’t work [Closed]

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  • #198476 Reply


    Just getting started to use MyEclipse and am trying
    the hello world example. It appears that code complete
    doesn’t work. i.e., contrl space give me nothing in
    jsp editor window, plus the outline view says
    “An outline is not avaliable”

    Thanks for any help,


    #198479 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    The first thing to check is that the MyEclipse JSP editor is being used to open your JSP file. The icon on the top of the editor window should look like a document with <J> on top of it. If that’s not there, you’re not using our editor.

    I checked our editor and even with a blank page, ctrl+space will generate valid content assistance. You might start by using our JSP wizard to generate a template JSP and see that it is behaving correctly.

    MyEclipse Support

    #198481 Reply


    Thanks Scott for your quick reply.

    I checked the editor, it is MyEclipse JSP editor.
    I uninstalled MyEclipse and reinstalled it, the code complete
    works on the first try of starting Eclipse, after I quit
    and start Eclipse again, it doesn’t work anymore.

    I am using
    Eclipse 2.1.1 build 200306271545
    JDK: j2sdk1.4.1_04
    MyEclipse: 0206

    Thanks again,


    #198482 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Please look in your log file, located at <workspace>/.metadata/.log and see what exceptions are thrown there. It will probably give you an idea of what’s wrong. If it has exceptions and doesn’t lead you to a remedy action, please email the log to us at support@genuitec.com. In the email, please include the URL for this thread for reference.

    One more thing, if you’re really using MyEclipse 2.6 and not 2.6.2, please use the Install / Update manager to upgrade your installation before anything else. Version 2.6 had some problems in the JSP editor that have now been corrected so this might be the source of your issue. For information on upgradig using the Update Manager, please consult our FAQ.

    Hang in there and we’ll get this figured out.

    MyEclipse Support

    #198660 Reply



    I have checked the log file, there is no error messages. My MyEclipse version
    is 2.6.2.

    I was using Lombaz before, I cleaned the Lombaz plug-in and installed MyEclipse
    and it has the problem. Now I did a fresh install of Eclipse and MyEclipse, this time,
    everthing works fine.

    Thanks for the help,


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