
Convert existing visual classes

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  • #281471 Reply


    Maybe already asked , but…

    I’d like to know if I can open existing visual classes with the matisse4myeclipse.
    Is there a way to let myeclipse generate the .form file from an existing class?

    If yes i’m happy… if not there would be a great addition for the future. Means that for now i can’t go into productive with this ide… 🙁

    #281505 Reply

    Loyal Water

    I’d like to know if I can open existing visual classes with the matisse4myeclipse.

    What visual classes are you referring to over here ?

    #281518 Reply


    for example if i have an existing project, with visual classes (a jinternal frame with fields, labels, buttons and so on) not created with myecliose (means no .form file) can i edit these classes with matisse4myeclipse?

    #281548 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Im sorry those classes cannot be edited using M4M.

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