
Copilot4 eclipse in internal server

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  • #702409 Reply



    I am interested in integrating Copilot4 for Eclipse into an internal server within our organization. I would like to confirm that this integration would ensure that all data remains within our internal network and does not leave for the external network.

    Could you please confirm if this configuration is feasible and provide details on how to ensure that all information stays localized on our internal server?

    Thank you in advance for your assistance.


    #702410 Reply


    Hi DevEc,

    Copilot4Eclipse is an Eclipse plugin that operates by integrating remote GitHub Copilot services directly into the Eclipse IDE. Copilot4Eclipse is not configurable to work with AI services other than GitHub Copilot at this time.

    Please contact us if additional questions about Copilot4Eclipse.

    Copilot4Eclipse Team

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