
Copy Files

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  • #250046 Reply


    Hi Support Team….

    Just a couple of quick suggestions for a future release.

    1) Drop and Drop a file from within the IDE (and maybe even from outside the IDE), and be able to create a linked file when it is dropped on a project. Perhaps by holding down the “shift” key, or something like that.
    2) Implement “copy” a file by drag and drop (and the new “create a linked file” option, if it gets implemented) from the file list created by the “Search” operation. Right now, it doesn’t allow any drag operation from that window.
    3) When entering a linked file manually, have the file name field, if blank, default to the name portion of the path/file string that is entered as the source file. And of course, if #1 gets implemented, it should also use the same default.



    #250058 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    While we appreciate the suggestions these are all platform-level requests. We typically won’t do things like this and leave it up to the Eclipse team to implement if they decide to.

    #250091 Reply


    Thanks. I’ll pass them onto the core team.

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