
Could not resolve placeholder applicationContext.xml Spring

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  • #264956 Reply


    Hi I have the following entry in applicationContext.xml

    <bean id=”propertyConfigurer” class=”org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer”>

    <property name=”location”>

    <property name=”systemPropertiesModeName”>


    System Properties define the following enviornment variable ACCESSPOINT_HOME=C:\accesspoint_home

    I got the following error during the tomcatserver startup

    – Could not resolve placeholder ‘ACCESSPOINT_HOME’ in [file:${ACCESSPOINT_HOME}/accesspoint_ws/config/application.properties] as system property
    – Loading properties file from URL [file:${ACCESSPOINT_HOME}/accesspoint_ws/config/application.properties]

    Question 1; How do we get the System Enviornment variable initialised during applicationContext.xml ??

    Please let me know.


    #265002 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev

    Since this is occuring outside of the MyEclipse runtime environment I have to assume this is a general question about Spring resolving system properties.

    I have never used system properties with Spring before, is ${} standard notation for it to resolve system variables like PATH and JAVA_HOME setup in your environement or is it talking about System.getProperty() Java VM system properties?

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