
creation wizard missing

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  • #215304 Reply


    I’ve today tried to install for the fist time myeclipse.
    i’m using eclipse 3.0
    Install seems to be sucessfully, featured acepted and if I open external html/jsp files the editor seems works very well.
    Every time i try to open new type’s file (JSP/HTML/SERVLETS etc) this error message was shown:
    Plug – in com.genuitec.eclipse.wsizards was unable to load class

    the error log told error 404 not found.
    can you help me?

    #215306 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This is likely due to the version of Eclipse 3.0 you are ruinning,
    what is the Build ID of Eclispe that you are using? This can be found on the Help > About page. The June 25th (6/25) build is the final 3.0 GA build, before that was likely a Milestone build that you are using.

    #215321 Reply


    nothing to do.

    I’m running 3.0.0 release 06/25.

    Furthermpore, I’ve downloaded Eclipse 3.0.0 folowing links starting from your site and re-installed in the same directory. Creatiozion wizard problem remains.

    Now I’m planning to delete all eclipse file and plugins and reistall newly. I’m waste my time?

    #215331 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Ok, thank you for checking your Eclipse version number, additionally please navigate to your workspace directory and find your .metadata\.log file, open it up and look near the bottom of it for exceptions related to the wizard failing (you can keep the file open, make the wizard fail and then find the new exception in the file) and paste it here for me to look at.

    Also, click on Help > About > Configuration Details, and copy-paste the 1st 2 pages of information here for me to look at as well.

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