
CrossReferece Problem in EJB in WebSp 7 after WSAD Migration

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  • #325281 Reply


    I’ve deployed my EAR in WebSphere 7.0 (My Application is migrated from WSAD 5.1)but once i tried to start installed application i’m getting below error for all EJB’s.
    please find attached log file.
    Please tell me how do i resolve this Cross Reference Problem ?

    I’m not getting proper support from MyEclipse Suppot members because few days back i had posted 1 query still i did not get its resolution,
    please see below posted link


    Please escalate above query or else tell me how can i escalate it to support manager ?

    that is defined in URI META-INF/ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi for module SCDC_Server_EJB.jar is not valid. The resource has a cross reference
    Enterprise Bean [ org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb.internal.impl.SessionImpl@56465646 ]
    Name [ null ]
    Version ID [ ERROR: cannot be calculated – IllegalStateException ]
    that cannot be resolved.
    [4/13/12 21:01:27:602 GMT+05:30] 00000011 BackendIdSele W ADMA0091E: The resource Enterprise Bean Binding [ com.ibm.ejs.models.base.bindings.ejbbnd.impl.EnterpriseBeanBindingImpl@59325932 ]
    eClass [ EnterpriseBeanBinding ]
    JNDI Name [ ejb/com_carreker_scdc_ApplicationProfileServiceHome ]
    EJB Name [ null ]
    Component ID [ <unset> ]
    Datasource [ null ]
    Remote Home Name[ <unset> ]
    Local Home Name [ <unset> ]
    Enterprise Bean Binding contains [ 0 ] EJB Ref Bindings
    Enterprise Bean Binding contains [ 0 ] EJB Ref Bindings
    Enterprise Bean [
    Enterprise Bean [ org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb.internal.impl.SessionImpl@59b559b5 ]
    Name [ null ]
    Version ID [ ERROR: cannot be calculated – IllegalStateException ]

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    #325309 Reply



    Please refer your post https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/problem-while-wsad-5-1-to-my-eclipse-blue-10-migration/ – A response has already been posted. Please follow up on the same thread.

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