
Crystal Reports XI – Error when dispolaying report

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  • #265380 Reply


    Hi Guys,

    I’m using Crystal reports XI release 2. I’m attempting to get some data from an Oracle database and display it as a Crsytal Report onto a JSP. Tomcat 5.0 is being used.

    At first I was using Crystal XI and than upgraded to Release 2.

    Here’s the error message I’m getting when report is rendering:
    “Null page: Unable to create page from report source.”

    And the stack trace for the error is:
    Exception at EPFPageFactory.getPage: java.lang.Exception: Error in EPFImapgeObjectInstancesBase.getInstanceProperties: null epfImage

    At this point I have not found any references at all on the web regarding this issue. It’s been a long time now since I’ve been trying to use Crystal – Java and I’ve hot succeed to do so. I only find an article which said There’s a hot fix which solves this issue, I installed it but nothing really happened, I kept getting the same error.

    Please , any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Best Regards,

    #265429 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev

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