
CSS editing in standalone HTML editor

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  • #266200 Reply


    I just installed MyEclipse 5.5 M1 because the idea of smaller editors separate from the big IDE appealed to me.

    I tried the HTML and XML editor, and what I found irritating was that it isn’t possible to create an XHTML-strict file in both, because in the html-editor, the type is not directly supported in the menus, and in the xml editor, it is not allowed to save or open files with the .html extension.

    Also, it’s really standard to allow an html-editor to edit .css files, but if I want to do that in the html-editor, notepad pops up, and I cannot change the file association because the association of CSS files is locked.

    Can anything be done about this?


    #266218 Reply


    Hello Bas,

    I appreciate your report. It tells us that you do find utility in our MyEclipse SNAP editors. Please know that this is our very first release of the Snaps. Initially we wanted to keep the scope of the Snaps limited so we could let them grow effectively in the areas our users are wanting/expecting. In our next release, we are working on making the Visual HTML Designer have more support for creating and editing XHTML files.

    For the CSS editor, the HTML designer snap does not support editing CSS files in this release. We are still considering if it woudl be better to have a separate CSS editor or incorporate it into the HTML designer snap.

    For the short term, there is a way to allow the XML Snap to edit .html files.
    – Open XML Editor snap
    – Go to Window > Preferences > General > Content Types
    – In the list select XML
    – In field below, add the extension “*.html”

    Now you should be able to open *.html files from withing the XML Editor snap.

    Hope this helps.

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