
CSS Editor Enhancements

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  • #261122 Reply


    Maybe this is just me, coming from a primarily backend orientation (EJB, JMS, JTA, etc.), but it seems like the ME CSS editor could use a bit of work. For example, if I declare a style class of TABLE.styleName, it would be very nice to have a list of the available CSS elements that apply to TABLE elements when I’m editing the style sheet. I realize that we’re talking about a not inconsiderable amount of work here, but given the prevalence of CSS, it might be justified.


    #261136 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    A great request and one we tried to tackle “quickly” a while back, but given all the valid constructs allowed in a CSS file, coupled with all the valid use-cases of CSS it became obvious very quickly that this was a big undertaking, and at the time we had much bigger fish to fry.

    I’ll drop a line to the editor team and see if any changes in the more recent releases have made doing this any easier, because (for example) there is autocomplete for JSF style tags of CSS styles in some cases. So the support for something like this might be right around the corner.

    #261142 Reply


    Excellent, Smithers. Keep me up to date on the progress.

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