
CSS style – boxShadow not working in MobiOne emulator

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  • #338314 Reply

    I am using MobiOne Test Center version 2.3.1 in our project, with Windows 7 OS.
    There is a CSS style boxShadow that is applied to a div through javascript.
    “element.style.boxShadow = “0 0 30px 10px #E5E5E5 inset”;”
    It is working in all browsers including safari. But it is not showing in MobiOne Emulator.
    Can someone please help me to find out if this is an issue with emulator? as in does emulator support CSS3 style?
    I have also tried to take the supported property for boxShadow as follows:

    var boxshadowprop = getsupportedprop([‘boxShadow’, ‘MozBoxShadow’, ‘WebkitBoxShadow’]); //get appropriate CSS3 box-shadow property
    element.style[boxshadowprop] = “0 0 30px 10px #E5E5E5 inset”; //set CSS shadow for “mydiv”

    function getsupportedprop(proparray) {
    var root = document.documentElement //reference root element of document
    for (var i = 0; i < proparray.length; i++) { //loop through possible properties
    if (proparray[i] in root.style) { //if property exists on element (value will be string, empty string if not set)
    return proparray[i] //return that string

    Still nothing works. Although, it works perfectly for IE,CHROME,SAFARI,FIREFOX browsers.

    Any help on this is appreciated


    #338496 Reply


    The current Test Center emulator is based on an older branch of webkit.

    -webkit-box-shadow styling is partially supported (super basic level). See the attached screenshot of Test Center ipad mode (left) and Safari 5.1 (windows) (right) of this box-shadow info site http://www.css3.info/preview/box-shadow/.

    Note: we are reimplementing the Test Center now based on the latest css3/html5 webkit capabilities.

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    #351974 Reply


    Try this one….CSS Box Shadow . It will help you.


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