
csss tagInsight

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  • #262328 Reply

    Hi there,

    how can i get the tagInsight within CSS-Files?

    I mean a ToolTip, while typing the code.
    Minimum somethin like: color: [and here a selector pops up to let my choose the values wich are possible]
    Somethin like in Javascript?!


    #262383 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Yes. Use CTRL-Space, same as in other editors. For example:

    font: |<-- CTRL-SPACE here

    will popup possible options for you for font. You can also use it while typing a property.

    #263142 Reply

    This works when editing a cascading style sheet. But the CTRL-SPACE shortcut does not work any longer
    on JSP, when i want to set the style property. In the old version it works without problems

    #263154 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This was a regressing that another user brought to our attention, sorry for the hassle we should get this fixed shortly.

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