
Custom generation of abstract classes with myEclipse-hib

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  • #222768 Reply

    Simon Cevc

    Is there a way to customize the way MyEclipse-Hibernate tool generates the abstract classes, because i need to add some extra functionality to the getters and setters, and there is no point in having an automated class generation tool if i have to override EVERY getter and setter? Any hidden text files with code templates or anything :)?


    #222769 Reply

    Simon Cevc

    Plus the tool never adds the scheme name in front of the table name in the hibernate mapping xmls,
    so i have to edit every xml manually …

    #222796 Reply


    You can modify the velocity templates used to generate the code and mappings to suit your needs. There are located in the templates directory inside the com.genuitec.eclipse.hibernate plugin.

    #222850 Reply

    Simon Cevc

    Great news, thanks!

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