
Custom Launch Configuration

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  • #264716 Reply

    Joe George

    I’m trying to create a custom launch configuration for Tomcat 4. Rather than add individual jars to the classpath for the configuration, I want to add the user libraries that contain the jars. However, when I launch the custom Tomcat configuration it does not see the user libraries.

    The user libraries work as expected when used to launch a java application.

    How can I use the user libraries in the custom launch configuration?

    My config:
    OS: WinXP SP2
    Java: 1.6
    Eclipse: 3.2.1
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench: 5.1.0 GA Build id: 20061111-5.1.0-GA
    Tomcat: 4.1.31


    #264806 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The launch configuration is just a normal Eclipse launch configuration, so adding user libraries to it should work the same, by selecting it from the run drop down, doing Run As… then editing the configuration.

    Is this not working for you, or were you asking how to add this on the connector configuration screen under the Application Server preferences for MyEclipse?

    #264946 Reply

    Joe George

    It is not working for me. The user libraries work correctly when I launch a Java app but not when I launch a MyEclipse Server. The Java App classpath shows just the library name, while the MyEclipse Server classpath shows org.eclipse.jdt.USER_LIBRARY/<library name>

    I saved the configurations for both to individual files to compare the syntax for the classpath section. Both sections appeared identical.


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