
Custom Widget / Custom Form questions

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  • #265233 Reply


    I’m trying to use a custom form. It is a panel that contains a JLabel and a JComboBox. It seems to work fine as long as I enter a string as the text property of the JLabel. Alas, I need to substitute localized strings for my label text. I set up my JLabel.text property so that it is using “User code” to get the value of the label text. Now, when I attempt to add this custom panel to a form, the JComboBox appears, but the JLabel does not.

    What am I doing wrong? Should I be using a Custom Widget as opposed to a custom form?

    #265411 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Just to clarify, when you are editing the form you likey see “<User Code>” inside each component, but when you take that entire form and drop it into another panel itself, the label nulls out but the button stays put?

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