
Dark background issue with 4.0 M3 on Linux

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  • #235055 Reply


    Well done for getting the JSP EL syntax color highlighting working, but before you break out the diet Coke or Latte (or whatever affluent programmers drink 😉 ) there is a small color issue with the apostrophe ‘ on a JSP when it surrounds an EL statement – it turns black. e.g.

    <input name='<c:out value="${status.expression}"/>'  ...other parameters, etc...

    As I run with a dark background, the apostrophes vanish. I wouldn’t have noticed this if I had’t run the cleanup routine. It stuck apostrophes in and made my code look weird (and it’s weird enough already). They’re the correct color everywhere else, even on the same line but just not surrounding an EL statement. I couldn’t find a color options that affected this action though but as there are so many now, I may have missed it…

    I’m running 4.0 M3 on Linux and everything else is wonderful…


    #235071 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Reading the JSP spec w.r.t. to quoting, they always suggest to start with double quotes on the outside and use single quotes internally… did you have that and the formatter changed it around?

    #235073 Reply


    I didn’t use single quotes at all as the inner double quotes are inside the jsp tag. The code is/has been working great and I’m sure it would work with single quotes as well although I agree with you/JSP spec. it looks unusual with single’s then inner doubles – it’s just the color issue that’s strange.

    #235088 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    How does the color look if you change an example to this:

    <input name="<c:out value='${status.expression}'/>"
    #235094 Reply


    The single quotes go black and as soon as the current row highlight moves off the row they vanish into the black like small thin ninja 🙂

    #235097 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Can I talk you into a nice soothing pale green background? 😉

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