
data record does not display after following this example

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  • #293800 Reply


    I am new with Spring + Hibernate +icefaces with MyEclipse 7. I might have a problem with a DAO: no error message but I cannot see any data record in IceFaces page;
    would you help me

    I am using:
    – MyEclipse Derby as database
    – myEclipse 7 Bench
    – Spring 2.5
    – Hibernate 3.2


    package com;
    skip for import libraries
    public class CustomerDAO extends HibernateDaoSupport {
        private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CustomerDAO.class);
        // property constants
        public static final String CUSTOMERNAME = "customername";
        public static final String CONTACTLASTNAME = "contactlastname";
        public static final String CONTACTFIRSTNAME = "contactfirstname";
        public static final String PHONE = "phone";
        public static final String ADDRESSLINE1 = "addressline1";
        public static final String ADDRESSLINE2 = "addressline2";
        public static final String CITY = "city";
        public static final String STATE = "state";
        public static final String POSTALCODE = "postalcode";
        public static final String COUNTRY = "country";
        public static final String SALESREPEMPLOYEENUMBER = "salesrepemployeenumber";
        public static final String CREDITLIMIT = "creditlimit";
        protected void initDao() {
            // do nothing
        private EntityManager getEntityManager() {
            return EntityManagerHelper.getEntityManager();
        public void save(Customer transientInstance) {
            log.debug("saving Customer instance");
            try {
                log.debug("save successful");
            } catch (RuntimeException re) {
                log.error("save failed", re);
                throw re;
        public void delete(Customer persistentInstance) {
            log.debug("deleting Customer instance");
            try {
                log.debug("delete successful");
            } catch (RuntimeException re) {
                log.error("delete failed", re);
                throw re;
        public Customer update(Customer detachedInstance) {
            EntityManagerHelper.log("updating Customer instance", Level.INFO, null);
            try {
                Customer result = getEntityManager().merge(detachedInstance);
                EntityManagerHelper.log("update successful", Level.INFO, null);
                return result;
            } catch (RuntimeException re) {
                EntityManagerHelper.log("update failed", Level.SEVERE, re);
                throw re;
        public Customer findById(java.lang.Integer id) {
            log.debug("getting Customer instance with id: " + id);
            try {
                Customer instance = (Customer) getHibernateTemplate().get(
                        "com.Customer", id);
                return instance;
            } catch (RuntimeException re) {
                log.error("get failed", re);
                throw re;
        public List findByExample(Customer instance) {
            log.debug("finding Customer instance by example");
            try {
                List results = getHibernateTemplate().findByExample(instance);
                log.debug("find by example successful, result size: "
                        + results.size());
                return results;
            } catch (RuntimeException re) {
                log.error("find by example failed", re);
                throw re;
        public List findByProperty(String propertyName, Object value) {
            log.debug("finding Customer instance with property: " + propertyName
                    + ", value: " + value);
            try {
                String queryString = "from Customer as model where model."
                        + propertyName + "= ?";
                return getHibernateTemplate().find(queryString, value);
            } catch (RuntimeException re) {
                log.error("find by property name failed", re);
                throw re;
        public List findByCustomername(Object customername) {
            return findByProperty(CUSTOMERNAME, customername);
        public List findByContactlastname(Object contactlastname) {
            return findByProperty(CONTACTLASTNAME, contactlastname);
        public List findByContactfirstname(Object contactfirstname) {
            return findByProperty(CONTACTFIRSTNAME, contactfirstname);
        public List findByPhone(Object phone) {
            return findByProperty(PHONE, phone);
        public List findByAddressline1(Object addressline1) {
            return findByProperty(ADDRESSLINE1, addressline1);
        public List findByAddressline2(Object addressline2) {
            return findByProperty(ADDRESSLINE2, addressline2);
        public List findByCity(Object city) {
            return findByProperty(CITY, city);
        public List findByState(Object state) {
            return findByProperty(STATE, state);
        public List findByPostalcode(Object postalcode) {
            return findByProperty(POSTALCODE, postalcode);
        public List findByCountry(Object country) {
            return findByProperty(COUNTRY, country);
        public List findBySalesrepemployeenumber(Object salesrepemployeenumber) {
            return findByProperty(SALESREPEMPLOYEENUMBER, salesrepemployeenumber);
        public List findByCreditlimit(Object creditlimit) {
            return findByProperty(CREDITLIMIT, creditlimit);
        public List findAll() {
            log.debug("finding all Customer instances");
            try {
                String queryString = "from Customer";
                return getHibernateTemplate().find(queryString);
            } catch (RuntimeException re) {
                log.error("find all failed", re);
                throw re;
        public Customer merge(Customer detachedInstance) {
            log.debug("merging Customer instance");
            try {
                Customer result = (Customer) getHibernateTemplate().merge(
                log.debug("merge successful");
                return result;
            } catch (RuntimeException re) {
                log.error("merge failed", re);
                throw re;
        public void attachDirty(Customer instance) {
            log.debug("attaching dirty Customer instance");
            try {
                log.debug("attach successful");
            } catch (RuntimeException re) {
                log.error("attach failed", re);
                throw re;
        public void attachClean(Customer instance) {
            log.debug("attaching clean Customer instance");
            try {
                getHibernateTemplate().lock(instance, LockMode.NONE);
                log.debug("attach successful");
            } catch (RuntimeException re) {
                log.error("attach failed", re);
                throw re;
        public static CustomerDAO getFromApplicationContext(ApplicationContext ctx) {
            return (CustomerDAO) ctx.getBean("CustomerDAO");
    #293801 Reply


    additional code;

    package org.icefaces.ui;
    skip for import libraries
    public final class SessionBean extends Object {
        private static boolean initialized = false;
        private static final Object lock = new Object();
        private CustomerDAO customerDAO = new CustomerDAO();
        //private ArrayList<CustomerBean> customerList = new ArrayList<CustomerBean>();
        private CustomerBean selectedCustomerBean;
        private boolean selectedView = false;
        private ArrayList<CustomerBean> customerList = new ArrayList<CustomerBean>();
        public SessionBean(){
        public ArrayList<CustomerBean> getCustomerList() {
        return customerList;
        public void setCustomerList(ArrayList<CustomerBean> customerList) {
        this.customerList = customerList;
         * @return the customerDAO
        public CustomerDAO getCustomerDAO() {
            return customerDAO;
        public void setCustomerDAO(CustomerDAO customerDAO) {
            this.customerDAO = customerDAO;
        public void rowSelected(RowSelectorEvent e) {
            selectedCustomerBean = customerList.get(e.getRow());
            selectedView = true;
        public CustomerBean getSelectedCustomerBean() {
            return selectedCustomerBean;
        public void setSelectedCustomerBean(CustomerBean selectedCustomerBean) {
            this.selectedCustomerBean = selectedCustomerBean;
        public boolean isSelectedView() {
            return selectedView;
        public void setSelectedView(boolean selectedView) {
            this.selectedView = selectedView;
        public void commit(ActionEvent e) {
            selectedView = !selectedView;
        public void cancel(ActionEvent e) {
            selectedView = !selectedView;


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.5.xsd">
        <bean id="sessionFactory"
            <property name="configLocation"
        <bean id="CustomerDAO" class="com.CustomerDAO">
            <property name="sessionFactory">
                <ref bean="sessionFactory" />
    #294687 Reply

    Loyal Water

    You should try using transaction management in your code. That should help you persist the data.

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