
database browser don’t show derby tables

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  • #239296 Reply

    K. Djaafar


    It seem that there is a problem with derby database and DB Browser browser: is succeed in connecting to my database but the tables are not visible ?!
    Thank for your help !

    #239310 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    We do not have any known issues with Derby, can you please post all the information in Posting Guidelines?

    What do you mean by Tables are not visible, can you post a screenshot if possible?
    If you expand a schema, you should see a Table Node, and under than, you should see your tables. Can you see your schema and the table node or…?


    #239398 Reply

    K. Djaafar


    My problem is very handy !
    After connecting to derby using jdbc:derby:net://localhost/bookstoredb url, i never see or reach my tables after expanding APP node inside DB Browser : inside TABLE i got no tables ! I use db2gcc.jar for the driver.
    But connecting to derby using Derby tool (IBM Cloudsape Workbench) i got my table ?!

    #239401 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Thank you for that information, but I still require you to respond to all the questions in Posting Guidelines. We need that information to be able to solve your issue efficiently.

    A few additional questions:
    1) Do you see your Schema in the DB Browser view (Is there a tree node with the name of your schema)? Are all the schemas in your database visible or do you see just one?
    Also, when you created a new Profile, on page 2 of the Wizard, please choose “Display all schemas”. If you have not done this, please edit your profile and make this change.

    2) Can you see the tables for other schemas? or are tables not displayed for any of the schemas in your database?


    #239443 Reply

    K. Djaafar

    1) Do you see your Schema in the DB Browser view (Is there a tree node with the name of your schema)? Are all the schemas in your database visible or do you see just one?

    Yes I see all the schema (the name of my schema appear but the tables is empty…

    2) Can you see the tables for other schemas? or are tables not displayed for any of the schemas in your database?

    No all the table field are empty

    #239467 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    1) Do you have permission to access the tables? Are any of the VIEWs visible? You stated that you were able to see the tables with another tool, are you using the same DB account?

    2) Please check your error log for any exceptions and paste them here. Instructions on how to do this are available at this location: http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-393.html
    I would appreciate it if you answer all the other questions asked on that page as well.


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