
Database tools questions

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  • #288298 Reply



    I want to try the MyEclipse IDE for 30 days because I have heard so many good things about it.

    But I have 2 problems in connections with a MySQL database.
    1. I want to generate a mer file based on a database schema. It generates me a mer file but MyEclipse doesn’t show any associations between tables and I don’t know also how I can create such associations. I have found screenshots in the internet which shows such associations.

    2. How can a generate the corect hibernate files (configurations and class files)? Right now, when I make a reverse engineering, MyEclipse generates for all fields (attributes) in a table property fields, it doesn’t take into account the foreign keys or the associations between tables.

    Thank you for any advice

    #288320 Reply

    Loyal Water

    You need to make sure you are using the InnoDB database type or other database type that supports foreign keys in MySQL. The older default MyISAM table type does not support foreign keys.

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