
Databinding capabilities? – PLANNED Q2

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  • #323211 Reply


    Hi Wayne,
    Just read your post re version 1.4.2 will be out soon. Will there be databindng capabilites? If not, when can we expect it to be included?

    #323241 Reply



    Databinding functionality is planned for release after we complete android support, Q2 of this year.

    #326621 Reply


    Hi Wayne,
    Now that android development has been implemented, when can we expect the databinding capabilities?

    #326765 Reply


    > when can we expect the databinding capabilities

    No actual delivery date but the rough outline of key priorities includes:

    1- more widgets
    2- databinding – webservices integration tools
    3- expanded web programming tools & editors (html, js, css)

    #2 and #3 will be developed in parallel and the 1st completed will be shipped.

    #326767 Reply


    Is an html widget (one that would let you put html formatted) on the screen in the list of upcoming widgets?
    If you could put a html widget, one that would allow any html code, this would open a much wider range of possibilities for the look, feel and feature enhancements.

    Like this:
    Is an html widget (one that would let you put html formatted) on the screen in the list of upcoming widgets?
    If you could put a html widget, one that would allow any html code, this would open a much wider range of possibilities for the look, feel and feature enhancements.

    and so much more.

    #328357 Reply


    Hi Wayne,
    How are the databinding capabilites going along? Are you still on track to release this for the next version?
    This is really critical to our mobile web / sql backend development.

    #328416 Reply

    Hi mo_alberto,

    At this time databinding is a Q4 objective.

    #330470 Reply


    Hi Wayne/Octavio,
    It seems you are concentrating more and more on ui than database/databinding capabilities. This is very critical to business requirements and is the only thing holding us back from buying this product. Having databinding will differentiate Mobione from all the others. Can you make this more of a priority? You said then it was Q2 now it is Q4. Are you finding it difficult to implement this? Please do it earlier.

    #330478 Reply



    > database/databinding capabilities.

    Can you share your requirements? For example are you seeking additional dev tools for:

    1) help your app to interact with data services on your device, e.g., local storage or web db services

    2) your app needs to access data though existing web services

    3) you need assistance building and hosting web services, some of these service may interact with a server side database

    4) please share other scenarios that are important to you

    #330543 Reply


    I was wating for databinding features for few months and it seems like it might take another few months. This is critical for me as I’m mostly doing business type Apps. Even starting from something basic would help.
    – local access to SQLite or alike
    – remote access to any type of SQL dB)

    then you could do other more sophisticated things…

    Foe me ? I would probably have to go with another tool because I could not wait nother 6 months to get this functionality…


    if the full featured databinding is implemented I would not hesitate to pay twice the actual license (and I guess most devs will be happy to pay $200 or more).

    #347859 Reply


    @support-octavio wrote:

    Hi mo_alberto,

    At this time databinding is a Q4 objective.

    Hi Wayne, Octavio,

    What happened to the databinding capabilities? Is this feature included now?


    #347860 Reply


    I am not exactly sure what you are wanting to do here but you can use AJAX to connect to a web server and write controllers on the back end (I use codeigniter, which is a php framework) to handle all of your DB operations. Let me know if this is what you are looking for and maybe I can post an example.

    #347898 Reply

    Hi mo_alberto,

    We were investigating it but the level of change was greater than we could rationalize thus it has been deferred indefinitely. In a nutshell to implement it the way we would like will require completely new widget implementation which would break everything else including all current and previous apps.

    #352158 Reply


    I’m waiting for data binding and database related functionality for long time and THIS IS THE MAIN REASON I HAVEN’T BOUGHT THE LICENSE.
    This should be implemented long time ago, it is crucial for anybody creating business Apps.

    Dear GENUITEC – you loosing lots of sales just by not having easy database interaction in your product !

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