
Date for ME 7.5?

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  • #299238 Reply

    Steve Prior

    Maybe it’s just the way I read it, but the MyEclipse Blog sounded to me like MyEclipse 7.5 was going to be released on “Genuitec’s 8th birthday on June 9”, but I notice that didn’t happen. Did I misinterpret the blog? Any idea for the real date?

    #299243 Reply



    You are right, it was tentatively scheduled for Jun 9th, but got delayed. It is slated for release this weekend.

    #299301 Reply

    Curt King

    When I start ME, the Dashboard window is offering me an upgrade to 7.5. Is this the GA release of 7.5, or is it a milestone/release candidate?


    #299303 Reply



    Please don’t install ME7.5 upgrade from dashboard. There are couple of users facing issues upgrading ME7.1.1 to ME7.5. I have asked the dev team members to look into this issue. Please wait for me to revert back to you. ME7.5 GA release was slated for this weekend. I will get back to you on this. Sorry for the inconvinience.

    #299311 Reply

    Curt King

    No problem, Joy. I’m sure it will be worth the wait!


    #299371 Reply

    Steve Prior

    Nothing new on the download page and we’re running out of weekend…

    #299386 Reply


    Curt and sprior,

    We had experienced a system hickup when we rolled out the 7.5 udpate late night around 1am on 12th and broke the server-side records of the updates and that’s why they were seeing the errors .We fixed it, so now all should be correct and the 7.5.0 updates are going out smoothly.

    Curt, yes the upgrade is to ME7.5 GA. You should be able to upgrade from 7.1.1 to 7.5 GA.

    Let me know how things goes. Thank you for your patience.

    #299407 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Guys what’s up on the Update Site is the GA 7.5 release — we are just trying to fix the Mac Update site right now and get the installers vetted, but for Linux/Windows users, you’re ready to rock and roll.

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