- This topic has 9 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 2 months ago by
giann_mgaMemberHow can i change input date format to ‘dd/mm/yyyy’ in jsp pages?
Try the following –
DateFormat dateFormat= new SimpleDateFormat(“dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss”);
Date date= new Date();
String dateString= dateFormat.format(date);
giann_mgaMemberWhere can i put that sequence? I have the instructions below in my jsp page:
<input id=”associado_datnas” name=”datnas” type=”text” value=”<fmt:formatDate value=”${associado.datnas.time}” pattern=”yyyy-MM-dd”/>” dojoType=”dijit.form.DateTextBox” constraints=”{datePattern:'<fmt:message key=”date.format”/>’}” trim=”true” promptMessage=”<fmt:message key=”date.format” />” invalidMessage=”<fmt:message key=”date.format.invalid” /> <fmt:message key=”date.format” />.” style=”width:300px;” />
<fmt:formatDate value=”${associado.datnas.time}” pattern=”yyyy-MM-dd”/>”
Change the pattern to “dd/MM/yyyy”
giann_mgaMemberIt doesn’t works. When i put pattern=”dd/MM/yyyy” the field datnas doesn’t appears in jsp page.
I do not have a visual on your project / jsp. Could you send me the whole code. One thing of interest is
<input id=”associado_datnas” name=”datnas” type=”text” value=”<fmt:formatDate value=”${associado.datnas.time}” pattern=”yyyy-MM-dd”/>” dojoType=”dijit.form.DateTextBox” constraints=”{datePattern:'<fmt:message key=”date.format”/>’}” trim=”true” promptMessage=”<fmt:message key=”date.format” />” invalidMessage=”<fmt:message key=”date.format.invalid” /> <fmt:message key=”date.format” />.” style=”width:300px;” />
Before you change the format of the date, could you confirm if you are able to see the date with below syntax
<fmt:formatDate value=”${associado.datnas.time}” />”
If the above does not show date, try
<fmt:formatDate value=”${associado_datnas.time}” />”, since the id you have mentioned is
“associado_datnas”, I believe you are facing syntax issue here.
giann_mgaMemberI’m from Brazil, my date format is ‘dd/mm/yyyy’. The question is: how can i change my regional settings for all projects to this date format?
What are you trying to achieve? Please refer http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307938 – how to change the regional settings in windows XP.
herbertadolphMemberIt is required to change it every page ?
What exactly is your issue with respect to Dates?
If you have a date input in more than one jsp and you need to change the format for the date input, then you have to change it in all the jsps.Let us know if this does not help.