
date selector wheel: PLANNED

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  • #323860 Reply


    How do I create date selector wheel? Can you post a working example? Can you show me how?

    #323864 Reply



    Bad News:
    There is not a general date selector widget available atm.

    Semi-Good News:
    We hope to introduce a limited data selector in the upcoming 1.5 release. To give this some context our preliminary plan is to introduce a new type property of Date on the Input Field widget. It will only work for iOS 5 devices and will not be emulated (doesn’t run in the Test Center) for a couple of months.

    Good News:
    We will provide a cross-platform date selector in Q2 after the android platform support is available.

    #329278 Reply


    Was the date selector ever added? if yes, i cant find it.

    #329385 Reply

    Hi Donsar,

    We frequently adjust our feature priorities based on user demand. Date input is high on our list and will be scoped into an upcoming version. Unfortunatelyit will NOT be in the 2.1 production version scheduled for late this week due to higher priority features.

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