I am having problems building a datepicker into my struts application. I have written the following code into a jsp page. This does infact give me a datepicker however, th icons for date and year are empty and the icon for the date picker itself is empty or standard. Additionally on selecting a date the text box that appears with the datepicker is not filled. I need to be able to access this string value.
I’ve found the documentation to this component somewhat limited so any help would be appreciated. Thanks…..
<layout:date key=”Date” patternKey=”logging.calendar.datePattern” property=”lastmodifiedStr” styleClass=”LABEL”
startYear=”<%= String.valueOf(java.util.Calendar.getInstance().get(java.util.Calendar.YEAR) – 100) %>”
endYear=”<%= String.valueOf(java.util.Calendar.getInstance().get(java.util.Calendar.YEAR)) %>” />