
Db Explorer & Schema filtering

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  • #251581 Reply

    Ed ross

    In our shop, we don’t use a single database & schema for development. Each developer creates the tables based on the user id. This is done so we each can have our own set of data without messing up someone elses test data.

    This means we have many duplicate tables in development. Example



    The problem is, in the database explorer, there does not seem to be a way to filer or sort based on schema owner. or to see who is the schema owner.

    would be nice to add a filter to the explorer, or a sort, or another tree level off table that would show the schema owner (I know – would not be nice for mysql, but for most other databases, would be a help)


    Looking forward to 5.0 –

    #251582 Reply

    Ed ross

    opps – forgot. I know you have the filter on the connection that says it’s a schema filter, but in most cases (aside from mysql) this is really a catalog filter – not a schema owner filter.


    #251586 Reply

    Haris Peco


    What is your database vendor and version and MyEclipse version ?

    Best regards

    #251647 Reply

    Ed ross

    we are using ms sql, myeclipse 4.1.1

    #251662 Reply

    Haris Peco

    You are correct – MyEclipse check if database support catalog and the filter catalog else filter schema.MS SQL (and Sybase) support both and ME filter catalog only.I will see if we have add filter for both

    Thanks for report

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