
DB Explorer and Oracle 11g Driver Support?

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  • #280776 Reply

    Have Oracle 11g XE installed. Tried setting up the DB Browser to use the latest Oracle 11g thin driver, but it can not find the Oracle driver class name.

    Tried driver names:
    1. oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
    2. oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

    (1st is new preferred way since Oracle 10g, other is left for backward compatibility)

    Oracle JDBC download page:

    Jar files used: ojdbc6.jar & orai18n.jar

    #280879 Reply

    Loyal Water

    These driver classes are compiled for Java 6, and if you are running MyEclipse with Java 5 (which by default it does) it won’t be able to load/instantiate those classes because the byte-code is incompatible.

    So there are two workarounds:
    Download the JAR for Java 5, or run MyEclipse with Java 6.

    #281409 Reply


    I have a doubt; I have a data base which in my eclipse can only have a successful data base access by specified an oracle OCI driver.
    The data base is on Oracle 11g. My eclipse was running with Java 5.0, but a change it for Java 6.0, although the problem persists.

    ***** an unsuccessful connection
    Driver template: Oracle (Thin driver)
    Connection URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl
    User name: system
    Driver classname: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

    ***** a success connection
    Driver template: Oracle (OCI driver)
    Connection URL: jdbc:oracle:oci8:@orcl
    User name: system
    Driver classname: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

    Jar file used: ojdbc5.jar

    In the same way i tried to use classes12.jar, a driver for get a connection but I think the problem is the version of oracle. I can have a successful oracle thin connection with others data bases on oracle 9g whith this jar (classes12.jar).


    A second doubt is: for a connection on a data base on Oracle 11g with Toad, we need to have Toad 9.5. Myeclipse can open whatever driver version of Oracle ???

    PD. I’m a beginner :$

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