- This topic has 11 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 2 months ago by Haris Peco.
Johan KenensMemberHello,
I’m currently evaluating MyEclipse (trial version). I’ve set up a connection to a Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise database. Most of the basic things are working fine. Editing stored procedures is not working although all capabilities are enabled. Generate ddl is not working. I get error Incorrect syntax near ‘[‘. If I generate a select statement I get some kind of MS SQL server syntax, ie the database name is added using square brackets, probably causing previous error.
Thank you
Johan KenensMemberAnd, by the way, I can’t find the ERD designer (not present in context menu). Is it available in this trial version?
Thanks again.
Haris PecoMemberjkenens,
And, by the way, I can’t find the ERD designer (not present in context menu). Is it available in this trial version?
You can call ‘New ER Diagram’ in context menu of you username (for example dbo)
Generate ddl is not working. I get error Incorrect syntax near ‘[‘. If I generate a select statement I get some kind of MS SQL server syntax, ie the database name is added using square brackets, probably causing previous error.
I suppose that you use sybase version less than 12.This syntax have introduced in newer version on sybase and enable special character in database name (for example space).We are working on fix this problem.
Editing stored procedures is not working although all capabilities are enabled.
I’m not sure what you think with ‘edit stored procedure’, but you can open (or generate ddl) stored procedure and edit in sql editor
Johan KenensMemberThank you Peco,
I could generate the ERD now (perfect).
The other problems remain allthough I’m using ASE 12.5 and tried with jconn2.jar and jconn3.jar.
If I generate a select statement for a database table I get:
[pasport_test].”dbo”.”adressen”Executing this select statement results in the “Incorrect syntax near ‘[‘” error.
I think the square brackets around “pasport_test” are not accepted by ASE12.5. This is a general problem. If I click on a table and go to “Table/Object Info” I can see the column names, indexes, foreign keys etc…but if I select the “Preview tab” to have a look at the data in the table I get the “Incorrect syntax near ‘[‘”. Generating DDL for a table…same error.
I would expect that the stored procedure source would show up in the “Table/Object Info” if I open a stored procedure. But it is empty (the parameter definitions are there). Generating DDL for a stored procedure or “Open” the stored procedure shows an empty editor.
Thank you
Haris PecoMemberjkenens ,
We have tested ASE 12.5.2 with sybase JConnect 6.0 (jconn3.jar) and jtds driver.However, jdbc driver is not related with catalog(database)
syntax problems.
You are correct.This syntax have used in preview, open procedure, triggers, generate ddl, create table/index/foreign key wizards.
Please, can you send your log (Windows>Show View>Other>PDE Runtime>Error Log View).If it is too big send on support@genuitec.com with subject ATTN: snpe.Regards,
Johan KenensMemberPeco,
I’ve sent the log in a separate mail to support@genuitec.com. Some more hints, I’m using Sybase ASE Should I upgrade to 12.5.2 first? Could this be one of the Sybase ASE configuration parameters?
By the way, congratulations, this is by far the best suite of eclipse plugins I’ve seen sofar!!!!!!!
Haris PecoMemberjkenens,
if you can upgrade to 12.5.2, it will help.Our database (12.5.2) works fine with this.
We introduce [] syntax for database names with special chars (for example , ‘db-syb’, ‘db test’ etc).
I think that you can’t change this behavior with configuration parameter, because syntax [] is used when you have parameter quoted identfier ‘off’.
I don’t know when sybase introduce this syntax, but it works in ASE 12.5.2.Thank you for your compliments
frantumaMemberI have the same problem with sybase (using jtds), myeclipse generates sql with [] and related problems (ddl, etc).
I don’ hava access to the database; Is there any way to configure myeclipse to use a different sql syntax or is there any other workaround?thanks
Haris PecoMemberFrancesko,
We have fix this and it will be released in MyEclipse 5.0.3 (5.0.3 will be released shortly)
frantumaMemberexcellent, thanks
musicaMemberIncorrect syntax near ‘[‘. issue is still present in version 5.1.0 (ASE
According to support-snpe this should have been fixed in 5.0.3 !?
Haris PecoMembermusica,
It is correct syntax for Sybase 12.5.2 or higher and necessary if user have special character (space,- etc) in database/catalog name.
You can change this with uncheck preference :Windows>Preference>MyEclipse>Database explorer>Microsft SQL Server/Sybase>Use catalog quote [] for Sybase