
Debug with EJB 2.0 project fails

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  • #315050 Reply


    I have a web application that consists of 3 projects:


    The application is deployed to Websphere 7 (devleopers edition) using the deploy tool within MyEclipse Blue(MEB). If I start the server within MEB normally the application works OK.
    If I start the application in debug mode then breakpoints are recognised within the WAR project but not within the EJB project. Within the EJB I get the following error:

    Unable to install breakpoint due to missing line number attributes. Modify compiler options to generate line number attributes

    However the compile option is set to generate lines numbers for each project. I tried switching it on and off and on again to no avail.

    I’m using MEB Build id: 8.5-Blue-20100319

    I have had this working previously but have since had to reinstall both WAS and MEB and since then I’ve had no luck.

    Any help will be most appreciated.


    #315051 Reply


    Another thing I should mention is that if the appliaction is built using ANT and then deployed to WAS7 and the server started within MEB in debug mode, then debug works just fine.

    The problem with this approach is that it takes away the “hot deploy” ability. If any changes are make I have to re-run the ANT build and redeploy – very time comsuming, so I would really like to get the MEB eJB deploy sorted out.


    #315218 Reply


    No ideas anybody?

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