
Debugging EJB

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  • #196252 Reply



    how do i debug ejbs in weblogic using the classes in my eclipse project ?
    the deployed ear contains classes built by jdk 1.4 and thus i do have unmarshal problems. when i add the jar before my src in the eclipse path everything is ok.


    #196254 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Since this reply post will be available on the site for quite some time, I’ll answer your question in two parts. I’ll cover what you can do immediately and then tell you how this will change with the next release of MyEclipse (v2.1.0 EA).

    For version 2.0.3EA, which is the current release as of the date of this post do the following:

      1) Configure your WebLogic domain using the MyElipse WebLogic adaptor. Example configurations can be found in the FAQ section on this site.
      2) Test the adaptor configuration by starting and stopping your WebLogic server domain.
      3) Write an Ant script to deploy package and your project as an EAR to your WebLogic domain’s ‘applications’ directory. The Ant script should simply repackage the class files that have already been compiled by Eclipse, since they already have the appropriate debug settings. You don’t need to externally compile your java files or run ejbc since the WebLogic server will do this for you as needed.
      4) Start WebLogic using the MyEclipse WebLogic adaptor.
      5) Debugging should work as you expect it to.

    For version 2.1.0 EA2 and later:
    Full deployment support will be included in the product. There will be no need to write any Ant scripts at all for deployment.

    MyEclipse Support

    #196431 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    With exploded deployment support for EARs in MyEclipse 2.1.1 EA2, this thread is somewhat obsolete. However, to deploy as an EAR, rather than in exploded format the technique is still applicable until archive support is added to MyEclipse, after the EA2 timeframe.

    MyEclipse Support

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