
debugging java stored procedurs in oracle

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  • #262782 Reply



    is it possible to debug java stored procedures in an oracle database? AFAIK in oracle’s jdeveloper one can do this, but since i am used to use eclipse/myeclipse, i’d like to stick to those.

    regards Jürgen

    #262797 Reply

    Haris Peco


    MyEclipse doesn’t support debuging stored procedure, for now.

    #262832 Reply


    Does ‘for now’ mean, there is already a schedule for it?

    regards Jürgen

    #262834 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    No schedule for this feature currently exists. Unless I’m mistaken, this is only the 2nd time we’ve been asked for this rather intensive feature.

    Having said that, we’re always open to suggestions or feature requests, so this will be passed along to the management team to prioritize.

    Thank you for asking.

    #279610 Reply

    @Support-Brian wrote:


    No schedule for this feature currently exists. Unless ICan you tell us at least how to capture the dbms_ouput when we run a stored procedure?

    As expected, when I run a query, the results tab will show the results of the queries, however, there is not results tab indicating the output of dbms_output statements.

    where does the dbms_output.put_line text go?

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