
Debugging JSP with JBOSS/Tomcat Bundle

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  • #198433 Reply


    Since two days I’m trying to debug my JSP sites deployed to a jboss-3.0.4_tomcat-4.0.6 application server.
    Lately I used NetBeans with Tomcat for debugging JSPs which provides a source inline debugger for JSP, wonderful 😉 !
    But then I had to switch the application server to that one mentioned above (I’m not able to change versions, because its part of a bundled product). Then I was unable to debug JSP sites and I tried Lomboz and now MyEclipse. I tried to create a source directory pointing to the servlets created by the application server during compilation and I could see code. But with Tomcat 4, the package defaults to org.apache.jsp and so I tried to fix it with the Sysdeo Patch for Tomcat (jasperDebugPatchV4.04), but this didn’t work 👿 , because I use Tomcat 4.0.6 I suppose. So, a simple question:

    How can I debug a JSP application deployed to a jboss-3.0.4_tomcat-4.0.6 application server using MyEclipse??.

    #198446 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    How can I debug a JSP application deployed to a jboss-3.0.4_tomcat-4.0.6 application server using MyEclipse??.

    The short answer is that we can’t support source-level debugging in this bundle since it relies on Tomcat 4, which does not implement the JSR-045 debugging specification. MyEclipse has full support for JSP source level debugging in all compliant containers, but at this point the list is Tomcat 5, Jetty 5, and Bejy Tiger. As soon as the JBoss group begins bundling one of these, instead of Tomcat 4, JSP source level debugging will work. With the configuration you’re using, any source-level java debugging will be fine, but source directly in your JSP’s will not be debuggable.

    MyEclipse Support

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