
Debugging PhoneGap Build apps

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  • #350683 Reply



    I’m excited to start using GapDebug, unfortunately I haven’t been able to get GapDebug to detect that my app is running.

    So, I’ve enabled USB Debugging on my phone (Samsung S4), and authorized the computer – GapDebug shows me the device connected (GT-I9505, Android 4.3.0)

    I’m using build.phonegap.com service to compile the phonegap app (using phonegap version 3.5), and have enabled the debug option for my app using the Enable Debug on PhoneGap Build’s web interface.

    After downloading and reinstalling my app with debug enabled, I start it, and GapDebug doesn’t list the app under the device.

    Is there something else I need to do to be able to debug?

    Thank you,

    #350691 Reply

    Hi Nuno,

    GapDebug supports debugging android 4.4+ devices. Android 4.4 introduces the mechanisms that enable remote debugging. Earlier versions of Android are not supported at this time. We have plans to provide debugging in a future version of GapDebug for pre-4.4 Android devices. For pre-4.4 we do support only Chrome app debugging, I mean web pages opened inside Google Chrome application.

    #350727 Reply


    I understand that. I’ll try and update my phone’s firmware to 4.4 then.

    Thank you.

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