
debugging servlet classes for weblogic 8.1sp3

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  • #214246 Reply


    Starting this week, I suddenly can no longer debug servlet/action classes. EJB classes still debug fine.

    When setting breakpoints in action classes, the debug perspective is shown, but instead of my source window, I get a white Class File Editor screen with the message “There is no source file attached to the class file xxx.class”. There is no button on the page that allows me to select the source location. If I step through the method, the variables window shows local variables, but I can’t see the source.

    I get the same thing when deploying a full ear through an ant build, or just an exploded war using MyEclipse deployment wizard. My version of eclipse is 3.0, myeclipse is 3.8 beta 2.

    #214271 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I need to check on this, you are the 3rd person to report this and I wonder whats going on…

    #214281 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Can you do a rebuild of your project and see if that fixes the issue?

    #214298 Reply


    Yes, I have done a clean and rebuild on all projects in the EAR. No change.

    #214300 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Ok thank you, I will let the devs know.

    #214304 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I want to check a few last things

    1) You are using our deployment tool
    2) You are using ME to launch the application server
    3) You are laucnhing the application server in Debug mode
    4) Your compiler settings either globally or for that project leave in all the debugging symbols and information

    Can you check these for me and let me know?

    #214311 Reply


    1. yes, exploded WAR deployment to WLS 8
    2. yes, starting WLS 8 using widget in MyEcplise perspective
    3. launch tab in WLS 8 under application servers preferences is set to “debug mode”
    4. property settings for web project for java compiler are “use workspace settings”. Under window->preferences->java->compiler->compliance and classfiles I have the following checked:
    “add variable attributes”, “add line number attributes”, “add source file names”, and “preserve unused local variables”.

    #214315 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Ok, again thank you. The devs are trying to widdle down every possible problem first.

    #216314 Reply


    The problem has now mysteriously disappeared. Don’t know what changed…

    #216316 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    New 3.8.2 release?

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