
Defining minimum dimensions

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  • #330560 Reply


    Can I set the minimum dimensions of the layout (without scaling) so that the application appears to scroll on a smaller screen than the Iphone? This size on, the layout should be resized, as already happens.

    For example: Even the layout is resized 480×320 – below 480×320 (320×240) remains the same layout with scroll bar

    Note: This question has no relation to the restriction on the type of the device, only with respect to layout


    #330570 Reply


    Please try using a scrolling panel and set the auto-resize properties. This is how you would do it for a UI to scroll when rotating to landscape orientation. Please see this doc for how to design for different size UIs: https://www.genuitec.com/mobile/docs/advancedUIDesign/advancedUIDesign.html

    #330595 Reply


    Hi Octavio,

    I already use the resizing system, however, it resizes to smaller screen sizes and also for larger sizes. I need an option that allows me to set a minimum value for the screen is not resized if the dimensions are smaller than the minimum, to avoid distortions in the image. Perhaps this can be solved by a aspect ratio feature, which will prevent deformation.

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