
Delay while performing updations to table in Hibernate3.2

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  • #310895 Reply


    I have a simple Login system using HIBERNATE and JavaBeans.

    Everything almost works perfect. Except that when I try to update a table about LOG_STATUS of a user it takes much delay that, it stops responding.

    The prob occurs in ChatUserLogDAO’s(present in com.hibernate package) updateLog()[method in ChatUserLogDAO.java]. The getSession.createQuery(queryString) makes it slow. Removal of that line responds faster, but i need to update the table.Whats the solution and whats the prob with it? createQuery method returns a Query object, but why does it doesnt respond? It worked for 3times, but later it stopped responding!

    Please find time to help me out.

    here is the abstract code :


    public void updateLog(String userName, String logStatus){
    String queryString = “update ChatUserLog set LOG_TIME = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, LOG_STATUS='”+logStatus+”‘ WHERE USER_NAME='”+userName+”‘”;
    String commit = “commit”;
    *==> Query queryObject = getSession().createQuery(queryString);
    int aff_rows = queryObject.executeUpdate();
    System.out.println(“LOG_STATUS Updated!!..”);

    System.out.println(“LOG_STATUS Failed!!..”);
    queryObject = getSession().createSQLQuery(commit);


    Every declaration and implementations are right.

    #310899 Reply


    It worked for 3times, but later it stopped responding!

    This looks more like a data base related issue. This can be caused when certain locks are placed on the rows that are being updated. I would recommend you to check with your database administrator for any blocked sessions on the DB.

    #310917 Reply


    Yes you were right Shalini. Thanks for your support. I sorted it out! Take care.

    #310925 Reply

    Good to know that you could get that working.
    Do let us know if you have any issues

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