
Deleting object in UML Class Diagram

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  • #232874 Reply


    Dear all,

    I create a new class diagram and adding some object in it (package, class, connector and more) all the object can be removed from visual diagram but this object is not removing from the list of all objects in the project (i see this object when i choose the “generate java” or in the outline view).
    I attempting to remove this objects from the outline view or from the properties of the object that i want remove, by clicking the basket icon, but the operation is not executed and i don’t receive an error message.

    Can you help me please.

    Sorry for my bad english.
    By Maurizio.

    #232883 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    all the object can be removed from visual diagram but this object is not removing from the list of all objects in the project (i see this object when i choose the “generate java” or in the outline view).

    So to clarify, the object is removed from the diagram, but still remains in the outline view?

    I attempting to remove this objects from the outline view or from the properties of the object that i want remove, by clicking the basket icon, but the operation is not executed and i don’t receive an error message.

    Hmm, can you check your <workspace dir>\.metadata\.log file for exceptions and paste them here?

    #232892 Reply


    So to clarify, the object is removed from the diagram, but still remains in the outline view?

    yes, in the outline view i see, for examples, some package that i have removed from diagram. I see this package in the “generate java” dialog box too. I can’t remove this package.

    Hmm, can you check your <workspace dir>\.metadata\.log file for exceptions and paste them here?

    I haven’t exception related toi this event.

    #232914 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I am asking our UML devs to have a look at this, hang in there.

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