
Deliver Zend Studio with SDC

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  • #396089 Reply


    After Secure Delivery Hub Install, go through the following steps to deliver Zend Sutdio package managed by SDC

    1. Install Eclipse 4.4.2 Software pack.
    2. Create a package and select the 4.4.2 Eclipse Version
    3. Open your admin console and, import a Third Party Library from “http://downloads.zend.com/studio-eclipse4/updates”.
    4. When you get to the Choose Exposed Software on the import library wizard, just select the “Zend Studio” software and NO other software. Wait for the library to get imported
    5. Import a second Third party library with the following file attached in this forum post.
    6. Go to the package you created at step 2 and on the “Overview” tab select “Deliver a custom Eclpse RCP product”
    7. On the Software tab select add the software you imported at steps 5 and 6 “Zend Studio” and “Zend Eclipse Theme Patch”
    8. On the RCP Product tab:
    9. Select Product Line-up
    10. Under “RCP Delivered via Product Line-up” use the “Browse…” Hyperlynk and select the Product Line-up “Zend Studio – com.zend.php.ide”
    11. Use the “Platforms” tab and select:
      • Linux 32 and 64 bit
      • Mac OSX 64-bt Cocoa
      • Windows 32 and 64 bit
    12. Commit and Promote your package
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by ignaciom.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by support-jed.
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