
Dependent jar files

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  • #239277 Reply

    I am working on a large JSP/Servlet development and the compile is requiring me to add 2 jar files. However if I deploy those jar files to the Tomcat 5.5 server it is causing errors. So my question is there a way to include a jar file for compilation but prevent the deployer from copying it to the WEB-INF/lib? I cannot just say I will manage them because there are many jar I need deployed. Any help would be appreciated.

    #239314 Reply

    As info I am using Enterprise Workbench 4.0, Eclipse 3.1, Tomcat 5.5.12 and JDK 1.5_05

    #239325 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Are there any JARs in your build path that are external to your project that you need deployed? If not, then just add the 2 JARs (likely servlet-api.jar and jsp-api.jar I’m guessing) to your build path, and edit your deployment options to turn OFF the feature of deploying external JARs on your build path.

    #239408 Reply

    Yes those are the 2 in question and yes there are close to 30 other 3rd party jars used by the application.

    #239411 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Did you read my suggestion? If that doesn’t work for you, what is your setup? I may be able to suggest another.

    #239430 Reply

    Yes I read the suggestion I have many jar files on the build path that need to be distributed with the application. I would like to have those deployed to the WEB-INF\lib for me. Is there a way to include a jar for compile purposes only and not copy it to the WEB-INF\lib forder during deployment.

    #239447 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I am double checking myself here with someone internal, but I believe the workaround would to create 1 or more User Libraries out of the JARs you *do* want deployed, add them to your build path, turn ON the feature to deploy user libraries and turn OFF the feature to deploy external JARs.

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