
Dependent java project not fully deployed with web project

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  • #330980 Reply


    MyEclipse 10.0-20111028
    Java 1.6.0_27
    Tomcat 6.0.32

    I have a web project with a java project as a dependency. I have my local Tomcat server setup under MyEclipse->Servers->Tomcat->Tomcat 6.x. When I deploy the web project to Tomcat, the classes for my dependent java project do not all make it to the WEB-INF/classes/ directory. Some do. I can find no pattern as to why some of them make it and some don’t. There is nothing in the error log indicating a problem while deploying.

    – The java project is listed under “Projects” in Properties->Java Build Path of the web project
    – The java project is listed under “Order and Export” in Properties->Java Build Path of the web project
    – I’m using default deployment settings under MyEclipse->Web->Deployment for the web project
    – I’m not using “deployment assembly mapping” under MyEclipse->Deployment Assembly for the web project

    I’ve had no problems with this in the last 8 months until last week. I moved some classes from the web project into the java project recently, but that’s the only change I can think of that might be relevant, but I’m not sure how. I’ve created a new workspace and started over from there and it didn’t make a difference.

    Thanks for any ideas/suggestions,

    #330987 Reply


    This isn’t a very helpful answer, but I fixed the problem by completely uninstalling myeclipse, deleting my workspace, reinstalling and starting over from a fresh checkout + build.

    I would have been more patient to find the problem and a real solution but I’ve already burnt about 3 days with Tomcat deployment issues (not only this one) and I couldn’t afford to wait. Hopefully this won’t happen again, but if it does I’ll try to remember to update this post and maybe we can work on finding the root cause

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